

Ann Marie's magic lunch recipe!!!

連續兩天都聞到不知道哪裡飄來的超級香味...(雞汁口味! >///<)
今天!! 終於讓我找到來源...就是隔了一塊板子坐在我對面的Ann Marie!!!

於是馬上就跟她問了菜單!! >@< 回去要馬上試!!!!

From: Ann Marie Dori
Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 1:19 PM
To: Michelle Echko; Jessi Chang (intern)
Subject: my basic lunch recipe

Throw together any variety of frozen veggies and faux meat (today I have mixed peas, corn, carrots asparagus and crumbles, but works well with chix patty as well). Drizzle a bit of olive oil over the top and sprinkle Italian herbs (you can buy a mix of things like basil, oregano, parsley, thyme, etc). I make up a bunch of these at the beginning of the week and just keep them in the freezer ready to grab. Then once I heat it up, I add nutritional yeast. That’s where the magic happens. J Healthy, fast, low fat and full of b-12!

