

No Fur 請拒絕購買使用皮草或皮毛製品


這樣血腥的東西  消費者是不會買的!!

http://nofur.hk/video.asp  皮草是這樣來的 ...驚悚度五顆星!!!
http://www.petaasiapacific.com/index.asp  右邊video  兔毛帽與圍巾來源
以上皆為真實中國皮草場畫面  請斟酌慎入
也請認同的朋友幫忙轉錄  謝謝!!

別讓寒冬冰封你的良心  拒絕穿著皮草或毛皮製品
Don’t let the cold penetrate your heart. Reject fur and fur trim.

◆  皮草養殖場裡的狐狸、貂、兔子和其他動物終生被囚禁在戶外的籠子裡,飽嚐冬天冰冷風雨和夏天灼熱氣溫的煎熬。由於囚禁的空間使牠們感到壓迫和苦悶,牠們會在籠中不停地來回踱步,其中有些動物甚至會因過分焦慮而患上精神疾病,咬斷自己的四肢,或反覆用身體衝撞關著牠們的籠子。

◆  有些農夫用電擊肛門或陰道的方法來殺死動物,使受害動物在神智清醒的狀態下,經歷心臟病發作般的劇痛。其他虐殺動物的方法還包括使用毒氣來毒殺和窒息致死。

◆  一項在中國皮草養殖場進行的調查,揭示了中國皮草工業非常殘暴的一面。調查員所拍攝到的錄影帶片段顯示,農夫先抽起浣熊和狐狸的後腿,然後把牠們的腦袋摔到地上,從而折斷動物的脖子或背部。當這些動物被活生生剝皮時仍然有知覺,甚至會喘氣和眨眼。進行剝皮之前,農夫會翻轉動物的身體,或吊起牠們的腿或尾巴,牠們可能只是暫時被打昏過去,但仍有知覺。這種殘忍的屠宰方法,使動物在死前仍須不斷抽搐長達十分鐘之久才死去。

◆  中國,是全球最大的皮毛出口國家。

◆  設於香港的皮草公司擁有的皮草養殖場遍布中國,當地並無任何法律保護這些動物,經營者於是可以任意飼養,甚至恣意屠宰牠們。
◆  台灣絕大多數的皮草均來自中國。


(以上內容來自PETA AsiaPacific.com 善待動物組織亞太分部

FUR: There’s no excuse

Foxes, minks, rabbits and other animals on fur farms spend their entire lives
confined to outdoor cages, where they are exposed to rain, freezing
temperatures in winter and scorching heat during the summer. They constantly
pace back and forth because of stress and boredom. Some suffer from
anxiety-induced psychosis and chew off their own limbs or repeatedly slam
themselves against the bars of their cages.

Some fur farmers kill animals by anal or vaginal electrocution. Animals who
are electrocuted suffer painful heart attacks while they are still conscious.
Other killing methods include gassing and suffocation.

A recent investigation exposed horrific cruelty in the Chinese fur industry.
Investigators’ video footage revealed that farmers swing raccoon dogs and
foxes by their hind legs and smash their heads into the ground – breaking
the animals’ necks or backs but leaving them panting, blinking and conscious
as they are skinned alive. The animals may also be merely stunned but not made
insensible to pain when workers flip them onto their backs or hang them by
their legs or tails before they are skinned alive. This crude method of killing
causes animals to convulse for up to 10 minutes before they die.

China is the world’s leading exporter of fur.

Hong Kong-based fur companies own fur farms throughout China, where there are
no laws to protect the animals in them – those who run these operations can
house and slaughter animals in any manner that they see fit.


