

PETA internship Q&A


Frequently Asked Questions

Is the internship paid?   有錢拿嗎?
PETA provides a $50 weekly stipend(津貼) and lunch five days a week. Free housing is also available for a limited number of interns.
一週有$50 津貼及五天的午餐,亦提供有限人數的免費住宿。

How long are internships?   時間多久?
PETA is very flexible about the length of internships. Generally, the length depends on the needs and desires of the organization and the individual. Some people have interned for a week, and others have interned for more than a year. The average internship is for about three months.

When is the deadline to apply?  申請期限?
We accept applications and interns all year. Once we receive all your application materials, you will be notified of a decision within two weeks.

What are the intern qualifications?  申請資格
Interns must be 18 or older. We review each application on its own merits, but we always look for a sincere interest in animal protection and a strong work ethic.

What documents are required?  所需文件
The intern application, a résumé, and three letters of recommendation. A current driving record is helpful but not essential. 

Who should write letters of recommendation for me?  誰幫我寫推荐信
Good choices are former and/or current employers or professors, teachers, group leaders, or anyone you have volunteered with in the past.

What kind of work will I be doing?  什麼樣的工作
Assignments are flexible and based on the needs of the organization and the skills and interests of the intern. Interns can help with grassroots outreach activities, including demonstrations and tabling events; counsel students and activists about animal issues; conduct library and online research; correspond with members; and deal with local, national, and international media to communicate the animal rights message. Interns also do clerical work, prepare mailings, create props for demonstrations, and help with local outreach.

Where will I live?  住哪裡?
Interns live at the Gordon House, located about a mile and a half from PETA headquarters in the heart of Ghent—Norfolk's trendy, historic neighborhood. The house accommodates up to 13 people and has eight bedrooms, three bathrooms, two kitchens, and a washer and dryer. Restaurants, coffee shops, supermarkets, boutiques, a park, and an art house theater are within walking distance.
Gordon House,在流行,具歷史意義的Ghent—Norfolk附近。能容納13人,有8間臥房,三間浴室,兩間廚房,一台洗衣一台乾衣機。餐廳,咖啡店,超市,精品店,公園和電影院都在走路可到距離。

Will I be able to travel?  可以去旅行嗎?
A highlight of being an intern is traveling across the country with campaigners. Most interns take advantage of this opportunity at least once, depending on the events planned during their time with us.

What kind of training will I receive?  會有怎樣的訓練?
Interns attend a weekly training session on building activist skills. In addition, there are opportunities to attend various presentations and a new-intern orientation offered quarterly. A tour of the building and the PETA Library and Literature Department are also scheduled to help you learn about the resources available to you at PETA.

What should I bring with me?  該帶什麼?
Bring your clothes and personal items. Linens, laundry and dish detergent, cookware, dishes, and utensils are provided at the Gordon House. You are responsible for your own food during non-work hours, and there are several grocery stores within walking distance of the Gordon House. You will not need a car or a computer, but you are welcome to bring them.

What is the office dress ?  穿啥?
Because of PETA's high visibility, we strive to present a professional image. Interns should dress neatly and not wear clothes that draw attention to the "messenger rather than to the message." Office attire is "business casual," so the following are prohibited: jeans, shorts, tank tops, and crop tops. As an animal rights organization, PETA does not permit the wearing of any animal products (fur, leather, wool, silk, etc.) in the building or at PETA-sponsored events.
因peta高知名度,我們需要維持專業形象。實習生穿著需整齊。工作穿著(attire)  "business casual",下列禁止: 牛仔褲, 短褲,背心(tank tops),露肚裝(crop tops) XD。更不允許穿著任何動物製品。

Is there a computer and Internet access in the Gordon House?  有電腦嗎?
Yes, one computer with Internet service is provided.

Are animal companions allowed at the Gordon House?  可帶動物嗎?

Does PETA cover transportation costs?   含交通費嗎?
Interns are responsible for getting to and from Norfolk. A PETA representative will meet you at the airport and drive you to the Gordon House. (Be sure to provide us with a complete itinerary as soon as you know your travel plans.) You will be given a complete tour of the house upon your arrival.
自費。PETA代表會在機場接你到Gordon House。請盡快提供您的旅行路線,在到達房子時會有完整的介紹。

How will I travel back and forth between the Gordon House and PETA headquarters?
The Gordon House is located approximately 1 1/4 miles from PETA. Bicycles and helmets are provided for interns, and there is also a footpath that interns can take to and from the office.
到PETA距離約1又1/4 mile,會提供腳踏車和安全帽,也有步道

What is there to do after work?  下班後做什麼? Hampton Roads is the bustling beachside community comprising Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Suffolk, Hampton, Portsmouth, and Newport News. The Gordon House, located in Norfolk, is just 25 minutes from the beach. For entertainment on dry land, there are many shops, restaurants, and activities throughout Hampton Roads. You won't have to go further than a few blocks from the Gordon House to find restaurants and coffee shops with great vegan food. Please visit hamptonroads.cox.net for more details. We provide a reference book at the Gordon House that details all the various entertainment venues.
Hampton Roads是由Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Suffolk, Hampton, Portsmouth, and Newport News組成的熙攘海邊社區。The Gordon House,位於Norfolk,離海灘僅25分鐘。陸上娛樂方面,有很多店,餐廳,和各種活動。你不需要跑很遠去找餐廳或有提供素食的咖啡店。詳情可參考hamptonroads.cox.net    我們有提供娛樂集散相關之參考書籍。

What if I would like to work at PETA?   如果想在PETA工作?
Interning is a great way to determine whether PETA is a place where you would want to work, although there is no guarantee that you will be offered a position if you intern. Still, we can promise that you will gain a great understanding of animal rights and learn about the inner workings of the most effective organization in the movement. The internship also gives you a great opportunity to network with PETA staff members and develop your talents and skills.


