

「別讓消費劵 變成消Fur劵」東區反皮草行動劇活動後新聞稿

「別讓消費劵 變成消Fur劵」

發稿單位:ANIMOSA 福爾摩莎動物權利小組
聯 絡 人:張家珮
E-mail: AnimosaTW@gmail.com

年關將近,寒流一波接一波,如何利用剛剛出爐的消費劵是民眾間的熱門話題。新近成立的台灣第一個動物權利(Animal Rights)團體 - ANIMOSA 福爾摩莎動物權利小組 - 在台北東區舉辦了他們的第一次,也是台灣首次的反皮草行動劇。
民國98年1月23號星期五中午, 一群動物權利支持者現身皮草族群的消費場所 – 人潮洶湧的台北東區。兩位穿著染血假皮草坐在籠子裡的少女無聲卻醒目地呈現出了毛皮動物的悲慘處境 - 一生受困於擁擠不堪的籠子裏,然後被活活剝皮,血淋淋地痛苦而死。一旁的六七個年輕人則冒著細雨舉著「皮草=死亡」的標語並散發傳單。
面對讓人不忍卒賭的血腥照片,有人難過的表示自己絕不再購買任何皮毛製品,也有人認為這是個只與有錢購買皮草大衣的貴婦們有關的議題。 ANIMOSA發言人張家珮指出,一般民眾常誤以為貴重的才是真皮草,其實從單價15元的「真皮草髮夾」、35元的「真皮草髮圈」或100元的「真皮草胸針」,到2,000元左右的「真皮草皮包」,或裝飾於服裝、外套邊緣的「真皮草」外套…等,許多不知情的民眾根本不知道自己買到了「什麼樣動物的皮毛」, 無辜地成了殘虐動物的共犯。
台灣百分之八十以上的皮草製品都來自對待毛皮動物最為殘忍的中國大陸。曾經喜愛蒐集皮草的藝人伊能靜,在了解製造過程的殘酷之後也已經拒絕再購買任何皮草製品了。張家珮表示期待能夠藉由這次行動呼籲台灣民眾,別把自己的消費劵或是壓歲錢拿來支持這個殘酷的產業,血腥的時尚並不能讓您變得更美麗。(欲知更多詳情, 請上: http://nofur.hk/)。
ANIMOSA是由 Animal + Formosa兩個字合併而來,由一群熱愛動物的年輕人組成,目標在於喚起台灣民眾對人類加諸於各類同伴,經濟,毛皮,實驗動物等的殘酷行為的重視,並推廣動物不該以任何方式為人所剝削利用的觀念。這樣的觀念早已在國際間已經悄悄盛行起來,多數的動物權利支持者都擁戴全素飲食與拒絕皮毛製品的 「無殘酷生活方式」。有意願加入的民眾請聯絡張家珮: 0921741417(行動電話)或是AnimosaTW@gmail.com(E-mail)。
活動當天照片: http://picasaweb.google.com.tw/hoohoo55/20090123AntiFurDemoInTaipei
In the eyes of a passer--by: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/jojo17/13977131
Fur is murder (http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=mBR0Mz9iWrw&feature=related)
Fur Is Dead! (http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=eCgPkx_3e-s&feature=related)
Racoon bashing (http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=Xt7fzCRc1Es)


Fur is Dead--Don't Kill Them With Your Shopping Vouchers

2009/01/24 17:06
[For immediate release]
Friday, January 24, 2009

Fur is Dead
Don't Kill Them With Your Shopping Vouchers
Contact: Jessi Chang(張家珮)
Spoken Person of Animosa
Cell: 0921741417
E-mail: AnimosaTW@gmail.com
Editor: Ai Huang; Michael Starkey
With the Year of the Ox only a week or so away, and the government handing out shopping vouchers to the island's 23 million citizens, the first ever animal rights group in Taiwan held its first public event in Taipei on Friday urging people not to use their vouchers to purchase any fur products this Chinese New Year.

January 23, 2009 - A group of Animal Rights activists showed up in the drizzling rain at the east district of Taipei. Two young girls dressed as bloody, abused animals in a life-sized cage, protested the crowded conditions that animals farmed for fur are forced to endure everyday while others activists held placards and distributed leaflets to those passing by.

After seeing the disturbing slaughterhouse photos, a person passing by said that they will never again buy any fur products while most said that they could afford the expensive fur products anyway. Animosa spokeswoman Jessi Chang (張家珮) pointed out "Most people think that only expensive fur products are made with real animal fur. Actually, prices start from 15 NTD for a fur hair pin, 100 NTD for a fur pin brooch, to 2000 NTD for a fur purse or a fur trim hoody. People have no concept of the amount of cruelty that goes into the production of animal fur products."

Over 80% of fur products sold in Taiwan are from China, a country where there are currently no enforced animal welfare laws. The animals live their entire lives in tiny, cramped cages, and are often skinned alive. All of this in the name of "fashion." Taiwanese Actress Annie Inou, who used to be a huge collector of fur coats, has decided to not to buy any fur products after learning about the cruelty behind fur clothing. Jessi Chang (張家珮) stated "We are asking you to not use your shopping vouchers to support the bloody fashion industry." (To find out more, please visit: http://www.furisdead.com/.)

Animosa – from the words 'Animals' and 'Formosa' – is an animal rights group whose aim is to protest animals and raise awareness of cruelty to animals, particularly those factory farmed for their meat and fur, and also used for experimentation.  The independent group was formed in November 2008 and has more than 20 young, compassionate members. It has been working very closely with PETA Asia-Pacific staff (based in Hong Kong) on animal rights issues in Taiwan. For more information, or If you are interested in joining this group, please contact Jessi Chang at 0921741417(mobile) or AnimosaTW@gmail.com(E-mail).

