

人們為何不願意嘗試吃素? By Vegan Kitty Cat








Earlier today I read an article about a survey with more than 2,000 meat-eaters in the UK about why they don't want to try going vegan/vegetarian. More than 1/4 of the respondents said it's because they've met aggressive vegans/vegetarians in their lives that put them off. Of course the sample is small and I'm not saying the survey is 100% accurate, but I do see some truth in it.

No one likes to be criticized, nor is everyone perfect. Even if we as vegans try to minimize the harm we cause to the animals, what about all the plastic products we use? Aren't they harming the environment? What about the cars and planes we take and their emissions? What about the metals necessary to produce our iPhones and laptops? How are they extracted without causing any negative impact to anyone? Even the roads we walk on and the subway we take require the sacrifice of workers to build them. And even if everything we use externally is humanely-produced and ethical, are we peaceful, loving and grateful at all times, not releasing any anger, frustration or judgment to the energy field? Do we always communicate with others in a non-violent way?

The only thing we can do is to try our best to be kind and loving, and share with others the issues we care about with an open heart. It's almost impossible to be "perfect." However, knowing that, it actually enables us to keep a humble attitude to keep learning and evolving.

For the past ten years, I've experienced how heartbreaking it is to see animals suffer on a daily basis while people around you just don't care. And that's when I remind myself of my purpose - I'm here to bring peace and love, not conflicts or separation. Veganism isn't a tool for the ego to feel good about itself. It's an important step for anyone who wishes to grow and be a better version of themselves. And by sharing this, I'm not saying I'm perfect. The exact opposite is true - I know I'm not perfect, and I'm fine with others not being perfect because I know everyone has different things to learn in life. May we all inspire with positivity, and stop fighting or judging with negativity. 💚

